Thursday, July 10, 2008

Last Day In Cape Town!

Hello Everyone,
Alright so i have been really bad at blogging in this past month- mostly due to too many late nights, too many early mornings and mostly just too much fun.

My last month was incredibly busy with work, outings, trying to fit in all those last things we hadn't done and many social events. We really had a terrific time and completely ditched all the "responsible" guidelines we had set out for ourselves at the beginning concerning money and going out. There really are too many good memories to mention- you will all just have to talk to me and see the pictures.

Luckily goodbyes were made slightly easier by the arrival of Mum, Dad and as a surprise GEOFF! ! I picked them up the last Wednesday of term and after waiting ages for mum and dad to finally come through was slightly annoyed that mum needed to use the bathroom. After finding it I turned around to find Geoff standing there which was a COMPLETE surprise (mum was only using the bathroom to try to slow me down since i practically had them at the parking lot before he came out.) It was really awesome to be all together again- and we spent many hours chatting which made for a slightly painful next day.

I am writing this post on my very last day in cape town which is very bittersweet. I had probably the best six months of my life and an absolutely fantastic visit with the family but I guess all good things have to come to an end and i do have to get back to real life. I promise to properly update the blog on our family travels- which include some pretty amazing animal sightings and some funny landlord stories- when i get home. Also have some very fancy pictures that dad took to put up. Keep checking- We arrive back tuesday night and i will try to update within the week. Otherwise come over- i have about 1000 pictures to show off!

Thanks for following.
xx Heather